Annelise weighs out 2.6kg of eels for release

Annelise weighs out 2.6kg or… about 11000 elvers to be released into the Monmouth and Brecon canal over the next couple of days. It’s really pleasing to see the eels leave. We worry that everyday they spend with us is a day they aren’t learning to survive in the wild. So its really a relief…

Annelise weighs out 2.6kg or… about 11000 elvers to be released into the Monmouth and Brecon canal over the next couple of days. It’s really pleasing to see the eels leave. We worry that everyday they spend with us is a day they aren’t learning to survive in the wild. So its really a relief to send them on their way! Go eels go! #conservation #aquaponics #eels #elvers #monandbreconcanal #waterways

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